
Howdy! Welcome to my collection of notes.

This is where I store my notes on topics and processes that I find particularly difficult, obscure or otherwise interesting. Mostly on Linux and NixOS, perhaps on programming in the future.

If those notes helped you in any way, that is great! That means my time writing those notes were well spent. If you were already a Nix/NixOS expert who somehow found their way in here, and got really bored reading my notes then I only ask that you point out my mistakes where you spot them. Your time will be very much appreciated.

If you are a reader looking for some pro tips, I would like to remind you that I am not an expert in Nix or NixOS. My notes are limited by my own knowledge. However, I would be happy to try and answer your questions nevertheless; and we can try figuring out the answer together, should we both happen to be stuck.

If you spot a mistake, please let me know and I would be happy to learn from you. Thanks!